How does the Reinhart Cleaning Technology work? Full video with descaling and dewaxing animation. Usually compared to traditional pigging, RCT has its own characteristics. The tools (not pigs) are custom-made. Therefore RCT is able to clean pipes with an outstanding efficiency and quality.
How does the Reinhart Cleaning Technology work in descaling? Usually compared to traditional pigging, RCT has its own characteristics. The tools (not pigs) are custom-made. Therefore RCT is able to clean pipes with an outstanding efficiency and quality.
How does the Reinhart Cleaning Technology work in dewaxing? Usually compared to traditional pigging, RCT has its own characteristics. The tools (not pigs) are custom-made. Therefore RCT is able to clean pipes with an outstanding efficiency and quality.
Sludge line open end cleaning. Due to mismanagement or cost saving reasons the client postponed the cleaning operation. The delivery capacity of the pumps decreased over time which resulted in an almost plugged line. To avoid the decreasing pump capacity and the related costs, the line is now cleaned 3 times / year.
Due to a damage on a pipeline located in a riverbed, a significant volume of stones and gravel were washed into it. The pipeline was repaired with the stones inside. A BiDi pig got stuck and the ILI campaign was aborted. RHC SA developed a tailored flushing tool to remove the stones. The following film demonstrates the flushing capacity. The pipeline was successfully cleaned in two runs. No stones were recovered. The bypass disintegrated the stones.